Clinically how is reflective practice applied? How does the patient benefit from reflective thinking of the nurse? What are the key components of reflective practice in nursing?

Transition to Professional Practice: Position statement

Students will be required to develop an individual position statement related to one of the three topics below. Please choose only ONE topic.

Information contained in the statement should clearly demonstrate the student’s

perspective, which should be supported by current relevant evidence and reflect current policy and practice within the Australian nursing context with clear reference and linkage to the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registered Nurse Standards for Practice.

Topic 1

Evidence based practice (EBP) is the clinical decision making process which is based upon the best available evidence, new research findings, clinical experience and patient preferences. Nurses are expected to implement research findings into their practice, but many are not trained on how to do this. Therefore, it should not be expected that nurses are at the forefront of EBP implementation in the clinical setting.


How does evidence based practice improve patient outcomes?

How is evidence based practice applied theoretically and clinically?

Is it feasible to expect RNs to implement EBP in the clinical setting without training/support?

Topic 2

Reflective practice is more than just thinking about practice, it is an active process of reflecting, analysing and learning. Reflection is a necessary attribute for the development of autonomous practice. Reflective practice should be a continuous cycle in which experience and reflection on experiences are inter-related.


Clinically how is reflective practice applied? How does the patient benefit from reflective thinking of the nurse? What are the key components of reflective practice in nursing?

Topic 3 (I reckon this would be the easiest topic but I don’t mind choosing any from the above)

Nurses have a right to refuse to participate in procedures, which they judge on, strongly held religious, moral, and ethical beliefs, to be unacceptable.

Fear, personal convenience or preference, are not sufficient basis for conscientious objection.


When would a nurse refuse patient care? Why?

How does this relate to the nurses’ ethical responsibilities?

Is this considered in the best interest of the patient? Why? How?


Clear concise and well- structured introduction and conclusion 14%

Explicitly states the argument and clearly sets out the steps the essay will take to support it. Conclusion effectively summarises the arguments and presents the final position.

Context and assumptions 28%

Thoroughly analyses own assumptions in relation to NMBA Registered nurse standards for practice, and other relevant academic resources when presenting a position.

Student’s position 28%

Specific position is concise and well-articulated, taking into account the complexities of the issue. Limitations of position are acknowledged. Other points of view areconsidered.

Evidence 14%

Extensive information is taken from relevant academic sources. Comprehensive interpretation and evaluation.

Referencing 8%

Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. A range of in- text citations has been used.

Mechanics- grammar, spelling and punctuation 8%

There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. The essay reads without interruption.

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