Compare and contrast the types of nursing programs described in Cockerham (2007) to the available nursing programs listed on the All Nursing Schools Web site

Compare And Contrast The Types Of Nursing Programs
Compare and contrast the types of nursing programs described in Cockerham (2007) to the available nursing programs listed on the All Nursing Schools Web site

Assignment 2: Grading Criteria

Discussed your interest in some alternate health profession.

Discussed your goals regarding the alternate health profession, and described the plan you have made towards meeting the goal in the past year.

Analyzed and explained Florence Nightingale’s role in establishing nursing as a formal occupation.

Compared and contrasted the types of nursing programs described in Cockerham (2007) to the available nursing programs listed on the All Nursing Schools Web site.

Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the correct APA style.

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