Compose a 2-page, double-spaced reflective summary (No less than 2 pages, no more than 3 pages), including APA formatted references. *Additional resource (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on reflective writing (p. 2-3).

The End of Life activity

The End of Life activity allows you to integrate reflective practice, along with ability to select the activity you would like to participate in related to end of life situations. The End of Life activity is the last assignment for the last module, Module 5. You are asked to reflect on the experience after participating in one of the provided options. Options for End of Life Assignment: Plan a Death over Dinner (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. discussion following some of the recommended guidelines. Reflect upon how you planned it, what was discussed, and who participated. Either assist someone to explore how to complete or complete your own Advanced Directive. Find the Advanced Directive for their/your residing State at Caring Info: Your State’s Advanced Directive (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Reflect upon the decisions that had to be made, cultural and spiritual beliefs that may have impacted the decisions, and what challenges or other outcomes resulted from the experience. Explore hospice care and options at the end of life. Visit a hospice care intake nurse or hospice care center or speak to a physician or other healthcare provider actively involved in hospice care (Case Manager, Nursing Assistant, Pharmacist, or family member). Consider what limitations, restrictions, or rules are applied when initiating hospice. Ask questions about and reflect upon the relationship of hospice care related to insurance coverage, equipment needs, support, available care, and general care needs. Investigate the process and costs related to planning a funeral, burial and/or cremation. Go to a funeral home, crematorium, and/or cemetery. Find out about services or reception hall costs, burial or cremation costs, cost of an obituary in the local paper, and possible laws pertaining to the burial or cremation. Reflect upon when and who plans for services or the technical aspects of death and dying, including who is responsible for what role, how much it costs, what must be decided, and what are the options for support for a grieving family. Compose your reflection: Reflective writing is generally informal; however, grammar and full sentences are expected. Unlike APA-style writing, it is typically written in the first person. Your reflective writing may be descriptive (outlining what the activity selected was or how it was done), explanatory (explaining why or how), and/or expressive (indicating perceptions, beliefs, or feelings). You are expected to include two scholarly resources beyond the assigned readings related to your perceptions and experience with the activity. The resource may come from a shared resource on the Padlet or discussion for this week. Compose a 2-page, double-spaced reflective summary (No less than 2 pages, no more than 3 pages), including APA formatted references. *Additional resource (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on reflective writing (p. 2-3).

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