conduct a community health needs assessment and identify a priority health concern within your county, you will explore and create a portfolio of evidence-based interventions that address the community’s primary health concern and vulnerable population. You will also share information about existing programs, services and partnerships in place in your county to address the primary health concern.

June 8, 2019 Off All,

Assignment Overview Now that you have conduct a community health needs assessment and identify a priority health concern within your county, you will explore and create a portfolio of evidence-based interventions that address the community’s primary health concern and vulnerable population. You will also share information about existing programs, services and partnerships in place in your county to address the primary health concern. The assignment includes a 6-8 page scholarly paper in APA format. This is an individual assignment, based on the results of your Community Health Assessment (on your county). Suggested Resources for Evidence-based Interventions Begin with the CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator, Database of Interventions to identify interventions that work in four action areas—socioeconomic factors, physical environment, health behaviors, and clinical care. Review the Database of Interventions Glossary to refine your search to describe a minimum of three interventions to improve the health of your target population across various action areas and settings. Source Website CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator: Database of Interventions The Community Guide Finding Answers Intervention Research (FAIR) Database Partnership for Prevention: Action Guides to Improve Health Guides.aspx Suggested Resources for Existing Programs, Services and Partnerships Contact the County Health Department, United Way agency or specific agency that serves your target population or addresses the primary health concern. Identify at least three specific programs and agencies that are working to improve the primary health condition you have identified in your Community Health Assessment. Source Website or Source Florida Department of Health (drop down list of counties at top of home page) United Way of Florida (click on “find your United Way”) Hospital Discharge Planner Personal contact Faith-based organizations Personal contact Community Health Improvement Partnership Google “Community Health Improvement Partnership (insert county name)”

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