Construct 2-3 page APA-formatted paper (not including Title and Reference pages). Utilize course content, your textbooks, professional journal articles, and professional websites as references for your work.
Verbal and Nonverbal Therapeutic Communication
Construct 2-3 page APA-formatted paper (not including Title and Reference pages). Utilize course content, your textbooks, professional journal articles, and professional websites as references for your work. (A minimum of 5 professional references with at least 3 nursing journal articles required). • Keep format and font the same throughout the paper. • Make sure content flows between sections, avoid duplication of information. Entire paper is double-spaced with 1″ margins 12 pt font, New Times Roman Correct running head (header) with pagination Title, name, school name centered and double-spaced (please also include course number and title, date and instructor’s name) Length sufficient to properly develop written communication with respect to the main idea, subtopics, etc. (ca. 8-10 or perhaps a few more pages) Provides complete overview of paper (75-100, or up to 150-200 words) Block style with no paragraphs, text flush left Introduction: Approximately one paragraph, addressing the topic and a main idea. Includes thesis statement Body: Generally of three elements (of from one to several paragraphs each) Each element supports and develops the main idea (subpoints) Each paragraph contains a clear topic sentence (and also logically leads to the next paragraph) Conclusion: Typically, one paragraph. Summarizes the body and concludes the paper Contains restatement of the main idea (or thesis statement), summarize subpoints and leaves the reader with an interesting final impression References & citations: References on separate titled page (centered) In correct APA format Listed alphabetically Hanging indent Minimum of 5 professional references with at least 3 nursing journal articles. Each source is cited at least once and all cited sources are included in references All citations complete and correctly applied Style: Academically appropriate (formal without being “wordy” or involving affectation (unnatural or artificial expression meant simply to impress) Free of slang, contractions, personal pronouns, “you” Variety of sentence structures Fluency of expression in writing