Create a 250-500-word digital brochure for families of children in preschool-kindergarten that describes services and supports for individuals with disabilities.
Early Intervention Strategies Digital Brochure ? Topic Create a 250-500-word digital brochure for families of children in preschool-kindergarten that describes services and supports for individuals with disabilities. Choose one specific disability category from IDEA to complete your brochure. Describe the following in your digital brochure, keeping in mind your chosen disability category: Chosen Disability is Autism Should be explained by IDEA definition only. All 5 Questions should be explained according to Autism only. ? Questions 1. Role of the family in accessing early intervention services. 2. Role of the state in providing early intervention services. (Texas Sate Only). Can refer to TEA website. 3. Role of service providers in providing early intervention programs in public schools. (Texas Service Providers Only). 4. Three early intervention strategies families can implement at home to promote communication skills, social skills, and literacy skills in their children affected by the chosen disability. 5. One local organization that families could contact to learn more about the disability and community services that might be available. (Texas Organization Only). ? Instructions for creating the brochure. 1. Title page must include an explanation of Early Intervention Strategies definition. 2. Should have a Presenter and a full Reference page is a must. 3. Please use only appropriate scholarly references which is related to the topic. 4. Chosen Disability is Autism Should be explained by IDEA definition only. 5. The brochure should be respectful and appropriate in tone and word choice for the family audience. Support your findings with 4-5 scholarly resources. 6. APA format is required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented APA Format. 7. Visuals need to have the source citied which there are taken from. 8. Every question should have a visual to support the question.