Critically analyse an example of knowledge management as used in healthcare

Home Critically analyse an example of knowledge management as used in healthcare
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The example of knowledge management is Prescribing Decision Support Systems ( PDSS ) .

Please follow these instructions ,
The essay should cover all these instructions :
1- Introduction: The introduction should contain the definition of Prescribing Decision Support Systems ( PDSS ).Address the assignment question, show why it’s interesting and how you will answer by addressing the headings in the main body . Tell the reader what you will discuss in this assignment(i.e. How you plan on answering the question). The word count in the introduction should be 200 .

2- Main body :
These headings should be considered in the main body :
a- Patient safety : This section should discuss and analysis as critically about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on patient safety . ( word count = 400 ).

b- Cost effectiveness : This section should discuss and analysis as critically also about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on Cost effectiveness .( word count = 400 ).

c- Following guidelines : This section should discuss and analysis as critically also about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on Following guidelines .( word count = 400 ).

d-Medical errors : This section should discuss and analysis as critically also about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on Medical errors.( word count = 400 ). If this heading you think should discuss and analysis within patient safety title , you can change and discuss here about the challenges of Prescribing decision support system and write about medical errors in patient safety heading.

3- Conclusion : The conclusion should summarise the main points in the main body and draws together ideas in a meaningful way… ( word count = 200 ).

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