Critically evaluate the importance of knowledge and learning to the improvement of organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel.

Critically evaluate the importance of knowledge and learning to the improvement of organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel.
The word count is 2000 words (excluding content page, executive summary, reference list and appendix) and weighted 50% of the overall module grade. Task: As a management consultant, write a report to Simon Chance on one of the following issues relevant to organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel: Choice of report titles: A critical evaluation of how rational organisational design and bureaucracy can improve organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. A critical evaluation of how rational work design can improve organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. A critical evaluation of how contemporary models of rationalisation can improve organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. A critical evaluation of how the development of effective teams can improve organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. A critical evaluation of how the effective motivation of employees can improve organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. Critically evaluate the importance of knowledge and learning to the improvement of organisational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. A critical evaluation of how communication can improve organizational effectiveness at the Junction Hotel. Table 2: Compulsory Report Structure and Format Report Structure and Format Front Cover page the official Business School page (obtain from BB) Front Title page (on a separate page) Date, to whom, from..etc. Executive summary overview of the report, it highlights the issues together with recommendations to follow. Its aim is to give the reader a general idea of the purpose of the report and contents. Even though it appears in the beginning, you will write it once the report is complete. Contents page (show and list all the numbered sections of the report and what page numbers they correspond to on a separate page) 1.0 Introduction In a few sentences inform what your report will cover, pointing out the intentions of the authors, outlining the reports structure, you might indicate the conclusion of the report. Be guided by your assignment information. 2.0 Main section (please use subheadings and separate paragraphs) Identify and define the issue and concepts you will be discussing. Be guided by the assignment information as to what you must achieve in this section. 3.0 Conclusion Summarise the key points in your report to act as a focus for your recommendations section. Do not include any new points here. 4.0 Recommendations – What changes would you suggest be introduced in order to improve the current situation and improve organisational effectiveness at the hotel. What are the potential outcomes? 5.0 Bibliography – Remember to include a bibliography of sources, minimum of 8 appropriate sources that are correctly Harvard referenced. 6.0 Appendices (optional) – You might include an appendix additional information, visual data etc. This must be information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation. One page of A4 maximum. And finally: Use short sentences, concise business language and ensure the report is coherent and well presented. Your report should be impersonal, written in the 3rd person.

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