Critically evaluate the importance of reflexivity in developing transformational leadership skills.

This is an essay, please do not include any sub-headings, diagrams or flows charts, instead include them as an appendix, ensuring that you refer to them within the essay and make sure they are purposeful additions that inform the reader. The introduction – succinct description of your organisation with confidentiality adhered to at all times. Identification of what you will be discussing in the essay, and the order it will be presented in. Main body – What are the extrinsic [external] factors? National policies (Brexit – national curriculum meeting targets increased technology how do they influence L&M processes? Financial constraints budgets, again how does this impact? OFSTED/CCQ – L&Ms responsibility to ensure all is in place. Write about these influences in a concise manner pulling out key elements you have already researched and remember these may not all be relevant to your particular workplace. As you move towards the end of discussing extrinsic factors lead the reader into your next focused area for discussion -the intrinsic [internal] factors. Start by discussing your findings from the audit tools used, for example the SWOT analysis findings to justify your chosen threads. These will then be analysed in relation to theory. Possible lines of enquiry might include but are not exclusive to: How does Cultural/ transformational leadership (Schein 2004 cited in Shedlitzki and Edwards (2014) impact on your role within the organisation? Leadership styles -the impact of leadership styles on followers and effectiveness of running a department, team or service Links to ethical leadership- follower engagement, effectiveness of leadership style and consistency across different roles. Ways of communicating; team motivation, team roles, clarity of roles and responsibilities; with the last factor leading you towards the conclusion Conclusion – summarise the key findings, do not add anything new. You will reflect on your own organisation using a range of tools to develop a SWOT analysis. This will help to identify areas for discussion in the summative assessment. A 3000 word essay critically analysing leadership and management issues within ones own workplace, considering potential areas for development which would benefit children, their families, and the organisation. All learning outcomes will be assessed through this assignment: 1. Comprehensively evaluate the influence and impact of the broader political and social environment on organisations, using appropriate tools. 2. Critically analyse roles and responsibilities which enable effective organisations 3. Systematically evaluate approaches to problem solving in order to support innovation and initiate change. 4. Critically evaluate the importance of reflexivity in developing transformational leadership skills.

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