Critically review available policy that supports contemporary nursing practice

Airway Management in CPR

• Prepare a 3,000 word critical assignment focusing on a Nursing clincial skill
• Chose a Nursing skills to be discussed – Airway Management in CPR.
• Critically review the evidence underpinning the Nursing skill which impacts and influences effective and efficient care
• Identify the policies on a National and Local level that underpin the Nursing skill chosen and critically reviews these
• Consider aspects such as audits, training, barriers relating to the clinical skill.
• Critically evaluate the role of the nurse considering competency, professionalism, ethics and law and how these impact on decision making.
• Remember to make connections with the Nursing skill that is being explored in your assignment.

The essay ‘Airway Management in CPR’, (in nursing), preferably focusing on adults, will be heavily led and driven by the learning outcomes 2,3 and 4 (listed below), with learning outcome 4 being the largest. Airway Management in CPR.

Airway management is a clinical skill that is carried out by nurses during a CPR hence why it has been chosen for this essay. The writer must address these learning outcomes in dept. The essay must be evidence based throughout. All documents are attached for the learning outcomes.

The essay must relate to nursing, for example, when writing the essay it would be written as if you are a nurse.

The client has been advised by lecturer to keep coming back to the learning outcomes throughout the essay otherwise the essay won’t pass.

Use the phrase ‘ethics’ and not morals in the essay and can also use phrases such as ‘principles and obligations’.

The client has also attached ‘V3-learning-outcomes-broken-down’ – this document contains some notes that the client gathered from the essay supervision at the university.

Please refer to all the documents that the client has attached and marking criteria at level 7 which is essential to use. Documents that start with L4= Learning outcome 4 they are related to a certain aspect in learning out come 4 such as ethics decision making, law and professionalism.

Learning Outcomes to cover in the essay:

2. Critically review evidence which enables effective and efficient care delivery

3. Critically review available policy that supports contemporary nursing practice

4. Synthesise critical understanding and insight of the concept of competency and the influence that ethics, law and professionalism have on decision making

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