Critically review how the chosen policies inform practice, utilising evidence to support your review.
Assignment Guidance Category 2
This essay has a word count of 2,800 words + 10%.
You can use up to 3,080 words within the assignment but must not exceed this (School of Health, Nursing and Midwifery, Assessment Journey: Procedural Guide March)
All words within the text of the assignment are part of the word count this includes references (names and dates) within the text. Please note reference lists and appendices are not included in the word count
(School of Health, Nursing and Midwifery, Assessment Journey: Procedural Guide)
There will be a 10% point deduction
in marks for submissions that are under or over the word
(School of Health, Nursing and Midwifery, Assessment Journey: Procedural Guide March).
Assessment Marking Rubric will be available vie Moodle
Marks will be awarded as follows:
Learning outcome 2 – 30 marks
Systematically review and evaluate the effectiveness of family
assessment tools.
Choose 2 assessment tools relevant to your area of practice or where you would like to work.
Need to provide justification for your choice with evidence used to support your review and evaluation of the tools.
Learning outcome 3 – 30 marks
Demonstrate a critical understanding of relevant policy drivers which
will underpin your professional practice.
Choose a maximum of 4 policy drivers relevant which informs supporting families in your area of practice.
Critically review how the chosen policies inform practice, utilising evidence to support your review.
Include comment on why the chosen policy drivers are important for your area of practice
Learning outcome 4 – 30 marks
Critically reflect on your own learning from the module in relation to
the nature and value of inter-professional practice within the context of the family, family learning and integrated service delivery.
Include discussion on the need for interprofessional practice in supporting families within your field of practice which should include the concepts of family learning and integrated service delivery.
Critically reflect on your own learning from the module and how it will help inform your practice, using evidence to support your reflection.
Overall Academic writing – 10 marks
Your essay needs to include
An introduction which introduces the assignment and clearly identifies your field of practice.
A conclusion which highlights conclusions drawn from the assignment