critique one quantitative study and one qualitative study from nursing journals

critique one quantitative study and one qualitative study from nursing journals
The student will critique one quantitative study and one qualitative study from nursing journals. Carefully address each of the guidelines described in your syllabus when critiquing the quantitative or qualitative research reports.Student Outcomes: Upon completion assignment, the student will be able to:1. Identify a quantitative and qualitative research article from a refereed nursing journal.2. Develop a systematic method to critique quantitative and qualitative nursing research articles3.Discuss the strengths and limitations of the author(s) use of the research process.4. Analyze the correlationship between the research problem and the methodInstructions:1.The student will identify one quantitative and one qualitative nursing research article of interest from any refereed nursing journal to critique. The articles must be approved by the faculty teaching the course2. Basic Format Guidelines: The student will utilize APA format. Proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure and written expression is expected. The critiques must be computer generated and limited to five (5) pages excluding the cover and reference pages.3. All topics listed in the quantitative and qualitative critique guidelines must be addressed4. Photocopy of articles must be submitted with critique.Qualitative Critical Appraisal GuidelinesI. Introduction
A. Title (length, clarity, relationship to study)
B. Type qualitative study
C. Setting and participants
D. Was an abstract provided?II. Identify the phenomenon
A. What is the phenomenon of interest?
B. Does the phenomenon focus on human experience within a natural setting?III. Review of Literature (Relationship to existing body of knowledge)
A. How is the literature review used in the conduct of the study?
B. How does the literature review relate to the theoretical framework of the study?
C. How does the literature review relate to the design of the study?
D. How does the literature review relate to the findings of the study?IV. Purpose (Descriptive Vividness)
A. What is the purpose of the study?
B. Was the purpose clearly described?
C. What is the projected significance of the research?
D. Was the significance of the study adequately described?V. Methodological Congruence
A. Sampling/Participant selection
1. Were study participants described in detail?
2. Was the selection of participants reasonable?
3. Was the context and location of the study described in detail?B. Procedural Approach/Data Collection
1. Did the researchers identify the philosophical or theoretical base of the study?
2. Were the assumptions underlying the study stated?
3. What are the procedures for collecting data?
4. Was the data collection process adequately described?
5. If there were multiple data collectors, was each ones approach similar?
6. Was the method of selecting and gaining access to study participants reasonable?
7. Is saturation of data described?C. Data Analysis
1. What strategies were used to analyze data?
2. Were the categories and/or themes defined adequately and clearly?
3. What strategies does the researcher use to control bias?D. Creditibility
1. Were the findings returned to participants or experts in the study?
2. Do the participants recognize the experience as their own?
3. Did 2 or more researchers participate in data analysis? How were disagreements about data analysis handled?E. Auditability
1. Was the decision trail used in arriving at conclusions described in adequate detail?
2. Were enough participant quotes included to support the findings?
3. Were the findings validated by the data?F. Fittingness
1. Are the findings applicable outside of the study situation or setting?
2. Are the results meaningful to individuals not involved in the research?
3. Is the strategy used for analysis compatible with the study purpose?VI. Legal / Ethical Issues
1. Were participants informed of their rights?
2. Was informed consent obtained?
3. Were participants rights protected?
4. Are there possible ethical dilemmas stated or implied in this study?VII. Findings
A. Do the categories, themes or findings present a whole picture?
B. Did the findings yield a meaningful picture of the phenomenon under study?
C. Are the findings presented within a context?
D. Is the reader able to understand the essence of the experience from the report of the findings?
E. Were the quotes tied together in a descriptive way so as to provide a clear, meaningful interpretation?VIII. Applicability to Practice, Research, or Education
A. Are findings relevant to practice, research, or education?
B. Are suggestions for further study identified?
C. Do the findings have implications for related situations?

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