current health, safety and welfare legislation applicable to the construction and built environment sector.
May 4, 2019 Off All,
On completion of this unit, learners will understand current health, safety and welfare legislation applicable to the construction and built environment sector. Learners will understand the main requirements of an effective health and safety policy and its successful implementation in the workplace. Learners will understand how to identify and record hazards, assess risks and select appropriate control measures to prevent or mitigate ill health and injuries on site. Work carried out for this unit will contribute to health and safety plans within project work and allows learners to contribute to the safety policy and arrangements. Learners will also gain an understanding of the need to review, revise and monitor risk assessments.
Criteria coverage: 2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,4.1,4.2,4.3,5.1
Following a tip off from a member of staff, you have visited a building site in Oldham town centre. As evidence of bad practise, you have taken a number of photographs for use in both bringing disciplinary proceedings and for future training purposes.
Task 3a: (LO: 3.1, 3.2, & 3.3)
From the picture provided of a site under construction, identify and comment on three health and safety hazards you have observed. Concentrate on the activities within the photograph remembering that a hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm.
Task 3b: (LO: 3.4)
Look back at the photograph supplied for task 3 and the series of hazards that you identified for it. Describe the main principles and features of a typical risk assessment that would be used to control these hazards.
Task 3c: (LO: 2.2)
Describe any training needs highlighted in task 3b; this should include any on-site induction required.
Task 4 (LO: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
Following on from task 3, the practises previously adopted for health & safety have been proven to be dated, describe how you are to review, revise and monitor risk assessments. Give examples (assumptions can be made).
Task 5 (LO: 5.1)
The site manager has asked you to undertake a risk assessment for excavating the foundation (see box C in photograph) which is to be 2m deep and 4m wide using a mechanical excavator. The soil will be placed in a dumper and moved to a tip located elsewhere on site.
Carry out the risk assessment for this activity identifying what control measures will be required during the work.