Define the differences between linear and systemic thinking

Unit One: Systems Theory Unit One Introduction In this unit you will listen to the iPod cast on systems theory; read two articles on a Systems Approach, explore a timeline to better understand the history of Marriage and Family Therapy and study key concepts and names associated with systemic thought. Unit One Outcomes Upon completion of this unit you should be able to: 1. Define the differences between linear and systemic thinking. 2. Describe those individuals associated with systems theory. 3. Describe the basic timeline of the history of Marriage and Family Therapy. 4. Highlight key terms connected to systemic thinking. 1.1 Text/Media Media Clip: Family Systems Theory Media Link: Family Therapy Timeline Media Link: Family Therapy Therapist Profiles Media Link: Family Therapy Historical Overview (Brief Historical Overview) 1.1a Practice of MFT 1.1c Family Therapy-Systemic Approaches 1.1b Families as Systems 1.1d FamilySystemsTheory Terms 1.1e MFT Model Chart Instructions 1. Listen to the ipod cast called Family Systems Theory, followed by reading each of the other PDFs and links listed in the Resources section. 2. Be prepared to reflect on the concepts in these exercises for your writing assignment. Assignments 1.4 Unit Assignment: The Foundations of MFT Introduction While reading, familiarize yourself with the key names of those involved in the early development of systems thinking. You should be able to discuss who these individuals are and their contribution to systemic thinking, linking it with the early development of Marriage and Family Therapy. Instructions 1. For this assignment you must create a resource list of significant names associated with systems theory and the early development of the MFT field. You may need to utilize additional resources other than the ones provided to complete this assignment. The timeline provided may be helpful as well as the modality specific chart and the major names biography link. We will be going over several of the modalities more specifically in other units. 2. Your assignment must include but is not limited to: Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Gregory Bateson, Don Jackson, Murray Bowen, Carl Whitaker, Nathan Ackerman, Virginia Satir, Jay Haley, Salvador Munchin and Ivan Boszmormenyi-Nagy. Some of these and other significant names will be further discussed in later units. 3. This assignment should be thorough and reflect knowledge of the reading material. Answers should be bullet point format (please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced).

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