Define the identified issue and discuss the impact that your selected issue has on current nursing practice.

Explore the impact that your selected issue has on the culture of nursing (consider if the issue divides or unites the profession, the issues effect on the image of nursing, any impact on the professional attributes discussed in class).
ontemporary Issues in Nursing

Objective: Students will write a paper analyzing a current issue in the nursing profession and
how it has evolved over time. Please email professor with two or three topics of interest and get approval for a topic for the assignment.

Method: A written paper (no more than 6 pages Excluding title and reference pages) about contemporary issues in nursing using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation and APA style. References to the current issues should be taken from a journal article, a section in a textbook on transcultural nursing, or through a computer search on CINAHL.
The paper should separate the five sections below with subtitles for each section. Paper must have an introduction and a conclusive paragraph.
1. Define the identified issue and discuss the impact that your selected issue has on current nursing practice. 15 points

2. Explain the implications for your selected issue on the health care delivery system (for example- implications for care providers, patients, costs, quality, access, etc.). 15 points

3. Explore the impact that your selected issue has on the culture of nursing (consider if the issue divides or unites the profession, the issues effect on the image of nursing, any impact on the professional attributes discussed in class). 15 points

4. Examine how racism, sexism, classism, or other systems of oppression relate to the issue and their effect on the profession. 15 points

5. Utilize problem-solving skills to address possible solutions to the issue. Consider if past attempts have been made to address the issue (were they successful- why or why not?) and what would need to change in order for the issue to be resolved. 20 points

6. The paper should incorporate references to at least one peer-reviewed journal article and how it is relevant to the contemporary issue chosen. 10 points

7. Proper spelling, grammar, use of APA style & references. 10 points

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