Describe and evaluate Maslows hierarchy of needs theory in psychology.
Key aspects of psychology
Describe and evaluate Freuds theory of personality.
Evaluate case studies and clinical interviews used by the psychodynamic approach.
Evaluate the general assumptions of the psychodynamic approach.
Describe and evaluate Maslows hierarchy of needs theory in psychology.
Evaluate open-ended questionnaires and unstructured interviews used by the humanistic approach.
Evaluate the general assumption of the humanistic approach.
Describe and evaluate multi-store model.
Describe and evaluate trace decay.
Evaluate case studies and experiments of brain-damaged patients used by the cognitive approach.
Evaluate the general assumptions of the cognitive approach.
Describe classical and operant conditioning.
Describe acquisition of phobias in humans and acquisition of language in humans.
Evaluate laboratory experiments and animal learning studies used by the behaviourist approach.
Evaluate the general assumption of the behaviourist approach.