Describe how departments or units have worked together in hospitals (or other organziations) where you have worked or are currently working;

advanced practice roles
would you consider pursuing one of these roles? If so which one and why. If not why not?
2.Do you believe that advanced nursing roles are synonymous with leadership roles? Why or why not?
3. Describe how departments or units have worked together in hospitals (or other organziations) where you have worked or are currently working;
4.What enables departments to work smoothly together? How could this be improved? (Identifying the hospital is not necessary). Analyze the Magnet process what is your view on the value of obtaining Magnet status?
5. Would you choose to work in a facility with Magnet status and why?;
6. Why is Joint Commission more than a visit to the hospital?
7. Discuss what you can do as a nurse to sincerely better the patients experience?

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