Describe how the Advance practice nurse(APN) could design and develop an evidenced based program (a program that has been shown to be effective) focusing on primary or secondary prevention of the risk factor.
October 22, 2019 Off All,
The goal of this assignment is to describe a health event epidemiologically and then to determine how this information can be used by advanced practice nurses to guide research projects and in program development. Expectations/Grading Criteria** • Identify a health condition that is relevant to your clinical practice or a clinical population of interest. • Provide a “definition” (i.e. defining characteristics) for this health event. That is, how is it decided that a person has this condition). (5 points) • Using morbidity and mortality rates or other appropriate statistics, describe the health condition overall and by all the following characteristics where appropriate: person characteristics (age, sex, marital status, ethnicity/race, socioeconomic status, religion); time (secular and cyclic); place and any other risk factors that describe the distribution of this health event. Tables and graphics can also be included but should follow APA guidelines. (50 points) • Based on your analysis of the above information and/or the literature, develop a research question that could be studied by an APN using the following format: What is the relationship of “a risk factor” to “your health event” in “”specific subpopulation”. For example, what is the relationship of high sodium diet to hypertension in African American males. What explanations are given in the literature for this potential relationship. (10 points) • Describe a research study using an observational study design that could be used by an APN to study the above research question. Be specific in describing the research study.(10 points) Describe how the Advance practice nurse(APN) could design and develop an evidenced based program (a program that has been shown to be effective) focusing on primary or secondary prevention of the risk factor. State if your focus is primary or secondary prevention. Provide a reference for the evidence based program. (15 points) • Organization, clarity and use of APA format (including tables and figures)*** (10 points) • Maximum of 12 pages