Describe the background and major concepts of Watson’s theory.·Analyze major theory assumptions related to person, health, nursing, and environment in the context of the caring moment described.

Describe the background and major concepts of Watson’s theory.·Analyze major theory assumptions related to person, health, nursing, and environment in the context of the caring moment described.
Describe background Jean Watson’s theory of caring

Question details:

Write a 1,800- to 2,000-word paper using APA format in which you briefly describe background Jean Watson’s theory of caring. The paper must:

·Describe the background and major concepts of Watson’s theory.

·Apply theory to an actual nurse and patient interaction, also known as the caring moment.

·Describe the context of the caring moment.

Comprise at least 50% of the paper’s total content in response to the following:

·Analyze major theory assumptions related to person, health, nursing, and environment in the context of the caring moment described.

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