October 11, 2019 Off All,

The title is References NOT Works Cited or Bibliography. Indicate the exact source of the specific information used in the paper by citing all references on the reference page. Only references cited in the paper with in-text citations are to be included in the reference page. Include a minimum of six different sources of information (books, professional journal articles, electronic sources, websites, etc,)Wikipedia IS NOT acceptable as a reference. Content and APA Citation : I. Job Description: Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA citations). Describe the limits of authority and responsibility legislated “scope of practice” for this health care career. ( Used correct APA citations).Describe the “Code of Ethics” for this health care occupation (used correct APA citations). II. Education/Registration/Certification: Describe the requirements for the profession/occupation(using correct APA citations). Identify at least TWO different types of educational institutions/ schools offering the program. Miami Dade College MDC, Florida International University FIU, Florida National University FNU, (using correct APA citations). State how much TIME it takes to complete the program, (using correct APA citation). Describe the approximate COST for each of the educational institutions. (using correct APA citation) What degree or certification that can be earned for this health care career( using correct APA citation). Identify the professional certification or registration required. (using correct APA citations). III. Employment: What is the job availability for this profession? (using correct APA citations). Growth trends in the field (using correct APA citations) Number of jobs advertised locally for example in the Sunday Herald or other publication (using correct APA citations) Is the experienced required? Explain(using correct APA citations) Advancement Opportunities, with or without additional education(using correct APA citations) IV.Professional Activities: Local/State/National Professional Organizations(the cost to join as a Student)(using correct APA citations) Professional journals with address and cost (using correct APA citations) Are Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) required for this profession? If so how many and how often? (using correct APA citation) Describe ways that members of a professional organization can gain continuing education requirements and earn CEUs (using correct APA citations) V. Reflection/Personal Career Plan: Reflect on how you see yourself “fitting” into this profession. Describe a personal career plan for you to enter this field. Includes goals, objectives, and strategies. SOURCES, ORGANIZATION, FORMAT, SPELLING &GRAMMAR (10% of written paper grade) Sources of information: At least 6 substantial references are used. They may include: books, professional journal articles; and web sites. All references are correctly cited on the Reference page in correct APA 6th ed format. Organization, Format, Spelling, Grammar: Well organized, with each section containing appropriate content. Doubled spaced, 12-pt font size, 1″ margins. Body of paper 3-5 pages with separate cover page and reference page correct spelling and grammar.

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