Describe the effects of aging on memory and cognition.
Describe the effects of aging on memory and cognition. Discuss the purpose of music training activity, music therapy, cognitive training and neurocognitive rehabilitation. State what research has been done on music therapy and cognitive aging in Bangladesh and other asian countries. Explain how mood-matching music can affect cognitive function in aging throughout different cultures using psycho-physiological measures and other innovation inventions. Describe the study by Franco et al., (2014) which showed that there are improvements in an individuals cognitive performance when the music is congruent with the listeners actual affective state. Discuss what cross cultural studies have been done and what background screening tests and measures may be suitable for cross cultural study particularly mini-mental state examination, vision, vocabulary, education, processing speed, digit-span etc. Look at the relation between music & cognitive decline, cognitive decline / Dementia etc in cross-cultural contexts. Expalin how Mini-mental, severe mini-mental and Montreal Cognitive assessment is being used is elderly care to assess cognitive impairment both in the UK and in Bangladesh. Describe ethnomusicalilty and the purpose of using personalised music playlist for dementia patients who are also suffering from with depression due to a stroke etc. Discuss how humanoid robots, such as Pepper, are being used at carehomes in Japan and the benefits of these. Explain how robots like cozmo could be used to design music cognitive games and could help the aging population to have better lives.