Describe the efforts of theorists and practitioners to maintain craft traditions in the face of industrialization in the late 19th century.

Describe the efforts of theorists and practitioners to maintain craft traditions in the face of industrialization in the late 19th century. Do their concerns about industrial manufacture still make sense today, and is there still a place for craft in our lives? 1. Use at least 10 academic resources 2. The essay should include a CLEAR introduction and conclusion. (Introduction: explanation+arguement) 3. Identify and analyze at least three visual examples (case studies) from art, design and/or architecture. 4.Research and ‘critically explore’ the topic; that is, draw from and engage with scholarly textual sources in order to make specific arguments supported by evidence. (To understand what counts as a ‘scholarly’ textual source, please attend the library workshops for this assessment listed below) 5. Include images of your chosen visual examples (case studies) as figures in your essay. Caption them in the same way as your image for the historical analysis.

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