Describe the health promotion initiative implemented to promote advocacy and or change.

Module 8 Assignment 1 Final Graded Assignment Population Focused Care Paper
This paper explores the role of advocate and nurse leader in promoting an initiative that positively impacts the community needs, addresses a Healthy People 2020 goal/objective, supports gaps in service in the community and provides a reflection on the practice experience.
The paper should include 10 – 12 pages of content (excluding title page and reference list) and address all the following criteria.
*A minimum of 5 scholarly articles are to be used to substantiate findings and support conclusions. Scholarly articles integrated within the Population Focused Care paper should come from the most current nursing or related literature (published no more than 5 years ago) but may be older if a seminal source or where there is a gap in the literature; at least one reference used within the Population Focused Care paper should come from a discipline outside nursing.
Title of Project (Include the Vulnerable Population Served)
Introduction: provide an overview of your practice experience, the location of the selected community, and the vulnerable population addressed.
Summary and analysis of statistical data
Summarize the findings of the statistical data retrieved for the Comprehensive Community Assessment
Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, health needs, and conditions that exist in selected community
Describe the aggregate (vulnerable population) at-need or at-risk and two (2) community health problems they face.
Community Diagnosis & Healthy People 2020 goal and Leading Health Indicator
Briefly describe community health problems
Formulate at least two (2) appropriate community diagnosis for the selected community and give rationale for the diagnoses.
Discuss how this diagnosis aligns with a Healthy People 2020 goal and Leading Health Indicator.
Advocacy and Leadership
Address gaps between what individuals and or families in the community identify as their need for resources, support, and services and what is available to them.
Describe the health promotion initiative implemented to promote advocacy and or change. Address gaps between what is identified as a need and what is available in the community.
Identify the leadership role utilized to promote the health promotion initiative to positively impact community needs and support gaps of service.
Describe the evaluation process used to determine the effectiveness of your initiative.
Reflection and Conclusion
Identify the C-PHN competency you used to meet the goals of the practice experience.
Discuss what you learned about the community
Discuss the revelations you had during the practice experience regarding the needs of your community.
Describe how this information will or will not influence your own nursing practice and role as a professional nurse.
Summarize the role you believe you can play as an advocate to promote population focused care. Summarize your findings and highlight key discoveries from this experiential activity.
Scholarly Writing:
Use clear structure as outlined in the assignment.
Language is graceful, clear, concise, error-free, and skillfully communicates meaning to reader(s).
Paper is well written organized, and within page limit.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct
Conforms to APA standards for citations and references
References *Scholarly articles integrated within the Population Focused Care paper should come from the most current nursing or related literature (published no more than 5 years ago) but may be older if a seminal source or there is a gap in the literature; at least one reference used within the Population Focused Care paper should come from a discipline outside nursing. Students are encouraged to use the Excelsior College Library for references.
Follow APA Guidelines for Title page, Headings and subheadings, Citations in text, and Reference List.
Formatting requirements:
Font size: 12
Font type: Times New Roman
One inch margins
All references cited within the paper and on the reference page must adhere to APA guidelines
You may use the headings from this outline when writing your paper
Post completed Population Focused Care Final Paper by the due date.
This assignment accounts for 25% of the final course grade. Address all elements found in the scoring rubric since this will be used to determine the final grade.
All documents must be written and submitted in Microsoft® Word®. If written in another word processing program the instructor may not be able to open it, the formatting will be distorted and you may be asked to resubmit your paper prior to grading.
Please refer to the instructions in the Practice Experience folder and the Library Course Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for m

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