Describe the historical background of the development of the model or framework.Select one of the nursing theorists Florence Nightingale: Modern Nursing and respond to the following:

Describe the historical background of the development of the model or framework.Select one of the nursing theorists Florence Nightingale: Modern Nursing and respond to the following:
Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing
see attached.
Topic 1: Nursing Philosophy and Models
Select one of the nursing theorists Florence Nightingale: Modern Nursing and respond to the following:
Describe the historical background of the development of the model or framework.
Identify the concepts in the model.
Describe the relationship between the model and concepts in nursings metaparadigmmetaparadigm concepts (person health nursing and environment)
Create an example of the model applied to clinical practice.
Identify strengths and weaknesses of the model for clinical practice.
Textbook Information
Title: Nursing Theorists and Their Work 8th ed.
Author: Alligood M. R.
ISBN: 978-0-323-09194-7
Publisher: Mosby Elsevier

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