Describe the implications to local, regional and state government as it relates to this vulnerable population. Provide rationale. What ethical concerns are involved?

Description of the vulnerable population: Who are they, who belongs to the group, what constitutes membership?

*Mainly just needs proofing
Assignment Outline

1. Description of the vulnerable population: Who are they, who belongs to the group, what constitutes membership?

2. Objective Information related to Vulnerable Population: Use statistics to describe the population. Compare local, state and/or national data for the vulnerable population of interest. What are the health disparities that exist in the identified vulnerable population?

3. Subjective Information related to Vulnerable Population: Do not put a transcript of the interviews in the paper. In 2-3 paragraphs synthesize the information gleaned from your interviews to describe the vulnerable population of interest. You have described the objective data related to your vulnerable population in the previous section. This information completes the picture with the data you gained from the community leaders/providers and the individuals from the population.
1. Professional/community leaders: Interview 2-4 community leaders (formal and informal leaders) in the community where the vulnerable population is located. (include interview question guide as an appendix)
2. Vulnerable Population: Interview 2-4 individuals/family members/caregivers who are members of the vulnerable population. (include interview question guide as an appendix)

4. Community Observation. Describe the community using subjective and objective data where the vulnerable population is located. Include the following in the description: housing, geography, economics (business), social opportunities, retail, food acquisition and health care. Such things as employment/unemployment rates, cost of housing, etc. should be discussed in this section. Provide rationale for your selection of the community.

5. Health Care Policy: Identify of a current health policy (Federal or State) that impacts of has a great likelihood of impacting your local community or your nursing practice. Include a brief introduction including the legislators who authored the bill and the sponsors of the bill in both branches of government. This introduction should include a short history of the bill as to how it began. Explain why your group believes this bill impacts: a) your community OR b) your practice; c) support why you believe this policy to be positive or negative for your community or your practice; d) what action plan could you take to insure this policy is implemented in this community, or if you believe it to be a negative policy what action plan could you take to insure change occurs to stop the policy or revise the policy; e) provide a summary and anticipation of future direction related to this health policy.

6. Health Care Significance: Describe the implications to the health care system as it relates to this vulnerable population. How does this vulnerable population impact the health care system? Should local and state elected officials and business leaders be concerned about this population? Provide rationale.

7. Government significance: Describe the implications to local, regional and state government as it relates to this vulnerable population. Provide rationale. What ethical concerns are involved?

8. Does Healthy People 2020 address this vulnerable population? If so, how are the objectives being met in your community? If HP 2020 does not address your population, what objectives need to be established for your vulnerable population?

9. Conclusion: What have you learned by exploring this vulnerable population? Do you believe this exercise has impacted how you will practice nursing? Give examples whether positive or negative.

Health Concerns of Vulnerable Populations-Guidelines

1. Identify a vulnerable population in a specific community related to a specific health problem or concern and get faculty approval for your topic. Sign up on google doc. Faculty will reserve the option to assign topics if the student fails to submit within 4 weeks of course start. If multiple groups choose the same topic faculty will ask students to choose an alternate topic. This will be a first come first serve on topics. Some overlap may occur between topics which is acceptable.
2. Paper is to be written according to APA format. The paper cannot exceed 20 pages not including the title page, references or appendices. No abstract is necessary.
3. Paper is to be submitted to the drop-box by due date on course calendar. Late papers will be deducted 5 points per day.

Health Concerns of Vulnerable Populations: Evaluation

1. Description 5%
2. Objective Information—10%
3. Subjective Information—10%
4. Community Observation—10%
5. Health Care Significance—10%
6. Health care policy – 10%
7. Government Significance—10%
8. Healthy People 2020—10%
9. Conclusion—5%
10. Grammar, APA Style, Appropriate references—20%

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