April 28, 2019 Off All,
Before you begin this assignment, read through the Home page and the required readings. Specifically, view The legal infrastructure of public health at This video is part of Public Health Learning Modules project funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and developed by Temple University Department of Public Health and the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research as a free teaching resource for public health professionals. For this component of the Session Long Project, you will describe the legal infrastructure of public health. Your task is to submit a paper that responds to the following questions: Explain why law is a crucial part of public health practice. Identify and describe the three types of public health law. Identify two items on the list of the Ten Essentials Public Health Services that explicitly refer to law or policy. Length: 2–3 pages. assignment expectations File format: Your work should be prepared using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel depending upon the assignment instructions. For assignments requiring video or voice recordings, use media formats that are supported by MyTLC Courses as noted in our Trident Support page. In-text citations and references: Be sure that all information and ideas in your papers are supported by in-text citations and corresponding references at the end of the paper. Scholarly sources: Online sources must be limited to credible professional and scholarly publications such as peer-reviewed journal articles, e-books, or specific webpages on websites from a university, government, or nonprofit organization (these have extensions .edu, .gov, or .org). Presenting consumer sources such as e-magazines, newspapers, Wikipedia, WebMD, or other commercial websites (these have extensions .com) as references is not appropriate. Scholarly writing: Use an academic paper format, not an essay based on your opinions or experience. Avoid using the first person in writing. Synthesize what you learned from the sources you read; write papers in your own words; and cite sources within the text, as well as include a properly formatted reference list. Use of your own words: Your paper should be written in your own words to enable faculty to assess your level of understanding. Avoid the use of direct quotes. Only use direct quotes when preserving the exact words of an author is necessary. In the rare instance that directly quoted material is used, it must be properly cited (with quotation marks and page numbers in the in-text citation); quotes should not exceed 5-10% of the total paper content.