Describe the methods by which Laurence has convincingly portrayed an elderly person’s behaviour, speech, and perceptions of the world.
The Stone Angel (Novel) Seminar Lecture
Paper details There is no paper format for this, just to simply write out the assignment. The duration of the seminar lecture must be a total of 8 minutes all together, it doesn’t matter how many words- just for the assignment to be a total of 8 minutes long. It is based on The Stone Angel novel by Margaret Laurence, only talking about chapters 3 and 4 of the novel only. The questions to be answered are below: 1. Describe the setting(s) relevant to your chapters (which are chapters 3 and 4).
The story is based on a real Canadian town in Manitoba, as well as other locations in the novel such as British Columbia, the Cannery, Silverthreads, etc. Describe the physical setting, social structure (class, ethnic makeup), institutions (religion, school), revelations concerning homesteading, the role of women, etc. Comment on 3 of the above elements depicted in your chapters that portray a Canadian setting. Include relevant quotations to support this. 2. Examine the theme of aging depicted in your chapters of the novel. Describe the methods by which Laurence has convincingly portrayed an elderly person’s behaviour, speech, and perceptions of the world. Also, discuss the impressions of nursing homes for the elderly gained by reading this novel. 3. Consider the use of pathos in the novel. Comment on 2 specific moments in which the audience feels sympathy/empathy for the characters in the story. Identify the significance/effect of these moments in the story. 4. Find a short poem thematically related to your chapters. Include 2 specific links to the text to support your analysis. Include quotations from both the poem and the novel to support your claims. 5. The Journey Motif: Trace Hagar’s (the main character) journey at this point in the novel (chpts. 3 and 4)- spiritual, emotional, and physical. Include key points and examples to justify your analysis. Examine how her journey in the present, coincides with her memories and movements from the past. Also, consider what elements from the present trigger these memories from the past, eventually enable her to make peace with herself and others before she dies. Include 3 quotations to support this analysis.