Describe the number of participants and any descriptive statistics presented by the author(s).

Journal Article Summary *You can choose any article from psych-info. Make sure the article is peer reviewed. The article must be research not a meta-analysis. For the video presentation, you will talk for 2-3 minutes about the article you read, using this template: JASTemplate-1.docxPreview the document as a guideline for what to discuss during your presentation. Your presentation is a summary of the journal article you read. ****This is the template***** Journal Article Summary Article reference In this section you include the reference for the article you read. The reference must be in APA format. Reference style is described in the APA Publication Manual (6th edition). If you dont have this text there are many websites that will give you specifics (e.g. and https://owl.english.purdue/edu/owl/section/2/10/). Purpose of the study In this section you must identify the purpose of the study. This is generally in the last paragraph of the Introduction. Hypothesis(es) In this section you must identify the hypothesis/hypotheses. Like the Purpose of the study section above, the hypotheses are generally presented in the last paragraph of the Introduction. Sometime the hypotheses are identified elsewhere in the article, but they are normally easy to spot. Look for something like, It was hypothesized Participants Here you must describe who participated in the study. This information can be found in the Method section under Participants of the article. Describe the number of participants and any descriptive statistics presented by the author(s). You must use APA format when presenting any demographic statistics. Materials and/or apparatus used In this section you describe the tests or equipment that the authors used in the study. This information can be found in the Method section under Materials. Procedure utilized Describe the procedures that the author(s) used when testing their participants. This information is typically located in the Method section under Procedures. Summary of Results Here you will describe the findings of the study. The information for this section can be found in the Results section of the article. You must present any statistical information in APA format. Author(s) conclusions In this section you will describe the conclusions presented by the author(s). This information can be found in the Discussion section of the article.

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