Describe the process, strategic questions, and issues related to financial resource management that you must consider while merging the three departments.

Nursing Financial Management and Resources.

A. The Cost and Value of Magnet® Designation This assignment will help you explore the cost-benefit of the Magnet® process. Many hospitals that are considering Magnet® Accreditation or considering not to be reaccredited as Magnet® are concerned with the large fees associated with Magnet® recognition as well as the staff and consultant cost of Magnet® preparation. As the chief nursing executive, you have been asked to Write 4- to 5 pages paper that addresses the following questions. 0 Content Section o Introduction o Conclusion 0 Reference Page. Five REFERENCES & SHOULD BE LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD answers to the following questions: 0 In terms of examining the nursing costs, does the allocation of resources outweigh the benefits gained from meeting the mission of: o Increased patient or family involvement o Increased patient outcomes o Decreased patient safety events

B. The Merging of Departments for Cost Containment This assignment will help you explore how the nursing leader can maintain human and ethical decision making while implementing a departmental merger. As the chief nursing officer, you have been asked to merge three departments— social work, discharge planning, and utilization review—with overlapping functions and different managers. You have been told at this point that no one will lose his or her position. However, you must justify each person’s role. Also, you must make the new department an economic revenue saver. Write a 4- to 5-page report that addresses the following:• o. Content Section o Introduction o Conclusion • Reference Page. FIVE REFERENCES & SHOULD BE LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD o. Describe the process, strategic questions, and issues related to financial resource management that you must consider while merging the three departments. o. Outline and describe your approach to the following questions: o How will you maintain the human needs of the staff members in this merger? o How will you ensure that all the staff members engage fully in this merger? o How will you ensure the staff members feel good about this merger? o How will you maintain the fiscal focus of the merger?

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