Develop a platform speech in which you sell your policy idea addressing the financial impact of the policy and potential sources of funding.

Medical Marijuana Growers

Policy: HB 6049 — Medical Marijuana Growers or legal marijuana use Thse bill signed into law by Rick Scott. Gov on 3/30/2018. In order for a policy initiative to come to life, it must be given a voice. When running for office, candidates must sell their policy platform to the public. Without buy-in from constituents, congressman, lobbyists, etc., a policy cannot be moved from the idea phase to the voting phase to the implementation phase. Policy implementation takes money to move from a policy developed on paper to a policy implemented in practice. Funding for one policy usually means that money must be moved from one initiative to another unless a plan has been put into place to raise the funds for the new policy project. you need to analyze the funding that will be required for the policy which you will debate in your final paper and develop a platform for how you will sell the policy idea to the powers that be by addressing the financial impact of the policy on the organization, community, state or country. 1. Explore articles that speak to financing policy changes. 2. Develop a platform speech in which you sell your policy idea addressing the financial impact of the policy and potential sources of funding. Be creative. RUBRIC Written Component: (20 points) Submit your written speech, with video recording link and reference list. Grading is based on spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA formatting. Criteria I: Introduction to the Speech (25 points) Greet your audience and get their attention! Be creative! What can you say that will make your audience sit up and listen? Declare your purpose and topic for the speech. Introduce the policy that you have chosen and give some background information about the policy. Why is it important? Why is the speech important for the audience to hear? Give an overview of what your speech will consist of….”First,….Next,…..Finally….” Criteria II: Financing the Policy – Main Point (30 points) Talk about how this policy can be financed. Be creative. For example, if your policy addresses the nursing shortage and your plan is to increase funding for nursing education at the Bachelor’s level, you need to determine where the increase in funding will come. For example, federal grants increased for nursing education and decreased for another program, hospitals may participate in a program in which they provide 4 fully funded scholarships/year and are guaranteed 5 years of practice from recipients, any CMMS participating healthcare organization who participates in the funding of nursing education at the $100,000.00/year level receives perk points to offset demerits (low HCAHPS scores, higher than average Hospital Acquired Infection rates)on CMMS reimbursement requirement scores, etc. Details & Examples – When you reference a book, newspaper or magazine article, or person you must include a citation in your speech – just like you would do for a paper! For example, “According to the August 15, 2006 article in Newsweek……..” Criteria III: Conclusion to the Speech (25 points) Transition: Provide a sentence that will make it clear to the audience that you are now coming to the end of the speech. Summarize the main ideas from your speech and any other information that you really want the audience to remember. End with a final attention getter – you can refer back to something from your introduction!

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