Develop a population-focused, health promotional program as well as a mock proposal for funding.
March 30, 2019 Off All,
Mock Grant Proposal The nursing process is a foundational element in professional practice. As a practicing professional, you may have used the nursing process to assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate care for individual clients in a variety of settings. Throughout the past several weeks, you have applied the nursing process to an aggregate as recipient of care. You gathered population-focused data and conducted a systematic community assessment, and analyzed the data to establish priority community nursing diagnoses. In this session, you will synthesize those findings in order to create a unique plan and proposal for funding which will address one of the priority community nursing diagnoses. This assignment will require you to apply the findings from your community assessment to synthesize a population-focused health promotional plan and proposal for funding. Select an existing non-profit agency or organization within your community that is serving the target aggregate from your field work. This can include the public health department, educational system, or other non-profit agency. Imagine that you work for this agency, and have received a request for proposal (RFP) from a local community foundation. The foundation is awarding grant funding for up to $5000 to fund a population-focused health promotional project. In order to request this funding, your job is to develop a proposal to submit for consideration through the assignment below. Instructions 1. Carefully analyze the community and aggregate assessment findings, as well as the three priority community nursing diagnoses which were established earlier in the course. 2. Select one of the priority nursing diagnoses to address in this assignment. 3. Develop a population-focused, health promotional program as well as a mock proposal for funding. Be sure to include the following key elements:
Background of the organization requesting (mock) funding Purpose of requesting funds Statement of the problem to be addressed Sustainability of the proposed program Minimum of two sub-population outcome objectives Population-focused interventions with person responsible and timeline Thorough, itemized budget Evaluation plan corresponding to each aggregate outcome objective 4. Cite and reference a minimum of three sources to validate/support the problem to be addressed. 5. Use the principle of “economy of words” in your assignment, as grant proposals are intended to be clear, concise, and succinct. The narrative portion of your assignment should be no more than three pages in length (this page number does not include the title page, program plan table, or reference page).