Develop a resolution to ensure the delivery of safe and ethical nursing practice 10

Analysis of a Current Ethical Dilemma in Health Care Guidelines The purpose of this paper is to apply the concepts and theories discussed in the course to a clinical ethical issue of interest to you. Your topic may be individual, system or community based

Analysis of a Current Ethical Dilemma in Health Care Rubric Criteria Point Value Points Earned  Critically evaluate a client, nursing and health care situation oIdentify the actual ethical issues and implications oIdentify the potential ethical issues and implications 5 5  Critically analyze the moral implications of the presented ethical dilemma as it relates to contemporary health care issues and treatments 10  Review of pertinent literature: Must include a minimum of 5 professional references, not including your text. The literature search will provide background information on the topic oReference #1 oReference #2 oReference #3 oReference #4 oReference #5 3 3 3 3 3  Analyze the identified ethical dilemma using two relevant ethical theories and at least relevant three ethical principles oEthical theory #1 oEthical theory #2 oEthical principle #1 oEthical principle #2 oEthical principle #3 3 3 3 3 3  Examine how the identified ethical theories and principles related to this ethical dilemma impact nursing practice 15  Develop a resolution to ensure the delivery of safe and ethical nursing practice 10  Summary 10  Other Requirements o APA format oSpelling and grammar oTitle page (no errors) oReference page (no errors) 5 5 2.5 2.5 Total P Ethics and Professional Nursing Practice Presentation of Formal Written Paper Rubric Criteria Point Value Points Earned  Introduction of the topic o Actual and potential ethical issues and implications o Moral implications related to contemporary health care 10 10  Review of recent literature relevant to topic 10  Analysis of ethical dilemma using two ethical theories and a minimum of three ethical principles 15  Proposed resolution using an ethical decision making model 15  Impact on nursing practice 15  Action plan using proposed resolution to ensure delivery of safe and ethical nursing practice 10  Overall organization and professional presentation of information 5  References, APA format, spelling and grammar oReferences must be from peer-reviewed nursing journals 10 Total Po

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