Diagnose the problem that Eclypsis and Cerner are having in getting adoption among multispecialty groups.
September 8, 2019 Off All,
Eclypsis sells electronic health record systems
Summary: Written Assignments play a crucial role in your overall grades. These short papers will be graded on several key areas – one of which will be adherence to APA style writing. Please see the instructions for the individual assignments for topic and content requirements. For help on APA Style writing, please see the Brookline College Writing Style Guide APA writing style includes appropriate use of quotes, in-text citations, and references. Be sure to include these items in your final submission. Directions: Eclypsis sells electronic health record systems. The company’s marketing and sales division is having its annual meeting to set goals for the coming years. At the beginning of the meeting, they review past performance. In a review of the accounts, the senior director of sales breaks down the markets that have been penetrated: “We have done a really good job of penetrating the single-specialty groups like orthopedics and cardiology. I am impressed at your accomplishments. You have all done a really spectacular job, but the real potential is in the multispecialty practices, and we are having difficulty penetrating this market. I am stumped.” One of the more experienced sales representatives speaks up, “From what I hear, Cerner, our big competition, has the same problem.” Diagnose the problem that Eclypsis and Cerner are having in getting adoption among multispecialty groups. Your final submission should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length (not including title page, abstract and references) with 2-3 outside resources. Be sure to use APA formatting. Submit your complete assignment.