Discuss age related developmental modification to care that demonstrated foundational-level clinical decision making skills
Criteria 7 6 5 4 (←pass) 3 (fail →) 2 – 1
Discuss age related developmental modification to care that demonstrated foundational-level clinical decision making skills · Discussion correctly identified similarities / differences in care
· Discussion points always clearly made links between nursing care modification and age related needs demonstrating clinical decision making
· Discussion correctly identified similarities / differences in care
· 1 or 2 discussion points incorrect
· Discussion points clearly made links between almost all of nursing care modification and age related needs demonstrating clinical decision making
· Most of discussion correctly identified similarities / differences in care
· Minor areas incorrect
· Discussion points made links between most of nursing care modification and age related needs demonstrating some clinical decision making but:
· A few errors or areas where links were not explained clearly
· Over half of discussion correctly identified similarities / differences in care
· Some areas correct / some incorrect
· Discussion points made links between some of nursing care modification and age related needs demonstrating some clinical decision making but:
· Links between nursing care and age related modifications unclear in some places or not discussed
· discussion incorrectly identified similarities / differences in care in more than half of points
· links between nursing care and age are not clearly stated in majority of areas
· in majority of essay, writing was descriptive and did not compare and contrast nursing care related to age
· Limited / no attempt at discussion of similarities or differences in care
· Points largely incorrect
· Large sections not related to essay topic
· Limited / no contrast between nursing care and patient age related needs
· Links incorrect or not stated
evidence utilisation: located and incorporated a range of relevant information from scholarly sources that supported your discussion · Discussion points always incorporate a range of current and relevant nursing literature from scholarly sources as support · Discussion points mostly incorporate a range of current and relevant nursing literature from scholarly sources as support. · Discussion points incorporate current and relevant nursing literature from scholarly sources as support, more often than not.
· Some points are not adequately supported by valid literature
· Discussion points incorporate some current and relevant nursing literature from scholarly sources as support
· More than half of points are relevant to topic and based in valid evidence but:
· Some points are not adequately supported by valid literature
· Some areas lacked valid reference sources / support
· Discussion points incorporate some current and relevant nursing literature from scholarly sources as support however:
· Major sections use invalid references
· large sections of your written assignment are not based on identified valid evidence
· Discussion points do not incorporate current and relevant nursing literature from scholarly sources as support
· sources of information are incorrectly or not identified
· writing is characterized by an absence of scientific evidence
Communicate in academic writing logically and succinctly structured the content to create a coherent essay by: logically structured the content to create a coherent essay by: structured the content to create an essay that had coherent sections by: partially structured the content into loosely-linked rudimentary paragraphs by: made some statements that occasionally related to the topic by: writing did not address the given topic
· used formal academic language
· mostly adhered to conventions of academic writing set out in cite|write
mostly used formal academic language
mostly adhered to conventions of academic writing set out in cite|write
sometimes used formal academic language
some adherence to conventions of academic writing set out in cite|write
only used informal language
violated some conventions of academic writing set out in cite/write
· Language was unclear in many areas
· violated conventions of academic writing set out in QUT cite|write
consistently adhered to the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling mainly adhered to the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling mostly followed the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling mostly followed the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling occasionally used the English conventions of grammar, punctuation, spelling English expression was unclear / incorrect in many areas
Many grammar, spelling punctuation errors
accurately and consistently adhered to QUT APA referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list almost always accurately and consistently adhered to QUT APA referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list accurately followed, for the most part, QUT APA referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list followed some of QUT APA referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list
few minor errors
occasionally referenced and acknowledged a source of information
several errors in referencing style
· Errors in within text referencing
· APA reference list with 5 or more errors
consistently presented in the required style · mostly presented in the required style · presentation showed some aspects of the required style · presentation showed few aspects of the required style · ignored the required style in most of the assessment · ignored the required style
Strengths /
what was done well in this
Limitations in this assessment / what to improve in future
Suggestions for how to improve this type of assessment in the future