Discuss and explore your academic profile, for example prior learning experiences in education.

Essential skill for health

Essential skill for health Description Summave Assignment Guidance Essenal Skills for Higher Educaon and HealthcareSeptember 2018. Assessment Brief: Write a 1,500 word reflective account on your role both as astudent in higher educaon, and future healthcare practioner, including an aconplan to address an iden!ed developmental need to be achieved by the end of your first year (can be included as an appendix). Relevant evidence based literature will be required to support your work, using the Harvard System of Referencing. Module Learning Outcomes (you must meet all the learning outcomes to pass themodule) Learning Outcome 1: Be able to describe and evaluate your role as a student in higher educaon and a future healthcare praconer. Learning Outcome 2: Reect on, and evaluate own learning strengths, styles and needs as an adult learner in higher educaon. Learning Outcome 3: Develop an acon plan to address a developmental need to be completed by the end of year 1. 1. Introduction (150 words). An introduction generally needs to answer thefollowing 3 questions.a. What? The introduction must begin by clearly explaining what theessay is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above.b. How? The second part of the introduction needs to outline how thereflection will be structured. You need to summarise the details given in point 2 below.c. Why? An introduction needs to articulate why the topic underconsideration is of significance (this can include references). 2. Discussion (1200 words) a. Discuss learning in general at Higher Education and in particularstudying nursing at Higher Education and your future role as ahealthcare practitioner (learning outcome 1). b. Explore and discuss nursing in the context of current healthcare andthe value of life-long learning (learning outcome 1). c. Explore your initial reflections on entering higher education (this canlink to an appendix including a reflective cycle if you wish) (learning outcome 2). d. Discuss and explore your academic profile, for example prior learning experiences in education. Identify your learning style and the impact this has on your learning (learning outcome 2). e. Discuss your identified area of development in relation to Essential Skills in higher education, for example, writing development, time management, IT skills etc. Reflect on the significance of the chosen development area in your future practice as a student and future nurse(learning outcome 3). 3. Conclusion (150 words)a. Summary: Summarise the key learning points that have emerged fromyour discussion above.b. Recommendations: Make recommendations on what needs to be done in light of your findings and conclusions.4.

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