Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve safety in the nursing home.
Quality and safety in healthcare, specifically long term care, and how various industries can apply these concepts to improve operations
In this assignment, you will be researching dimensions of quality and safety in healthcare, specifically long term care, and how various industries can apply these concepts to improve operations.
● Using the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, research one nursing home that displays a low level of quality as indicated by their Five Star Rating*
○ The nursing home should display a low level of quality (-2 star rating)
○ The nursing home should display a low level of safety
● Provide a general overview of the nursing home (e.g., name, location, bed size, ownership,
● Discuss the quality performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent health care
inspection (e.g., deficiencies, citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by
thoroughly reading the nursing home’s statement of deficiencies and plan of action to correct quality deficiencies (CMS Form 2567).
● Discuss the safety performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent life safety
inspection (e.g., life safety citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by
thoroughly reading the nursing home’s life safety code statement of deficiencies and plan of action.
● Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve quality in the nursing home.
● Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve safety in the nursing home.
● Be sure to include details about the deficiencies that you found.
● Report your findings by using the methods below:
○ 3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply)
You can select any nursing home published on the Medicare Hospital Compare website. To narrow your selection, consider researching nursing homes in your community, previous places of residence, employers, competitors, or even a nursing home you would like to network with someday.