Discuss at least 6 factors that you will you need to consider at the beginning of your shift. Include an explanation of why with each?
HLTENN003 Perform clinical assessment and contribute to planning nursing careHLTENN004 Implement, monitor and evaluate nursing care plans.Question number 9, of case study 1. After 5 weeks on your ward Mr Bott is preparing to be discharged when his condition deteriorates. You come onto the night shift and in handover hear that Mr Bott is unwell. He is febrile at 38 degrees and has IV hydration in progress. Mr Bott’s fluid input and output are being monitored. Mr Bott’s right heel has now broken down and he has been complaining of pain when he coughs. You approach the bedside to review your client. Discuss at least 6 factors that you will you need to consider at the beginning of your shift. Include an explanation of why with each?