Discuss how and why a change from one to the other came about. How did the principles and values of psychologists change because of the transition?
Unit 2 Discussion 1:Movement Between Schools of Thought Choose two schools of thought (physiology, experimental psychology, voluntarism, structuralism, functionalism, or Gestalt psychology) that were adjacent in time. Discuss how and why a change from one to the other came about. How did the principles and values of psychologists change because of the transition? Did the subject matter being studied change in this transition? How did research methods used in the newer school of thought reflect a change in thinking and practice from the previous way of thinking and practicing? Support your ideas with specific examples from the text or other relevant sources, and be sure to cite your sources. Choose a school of thought you have not already written about in another post. So that we can explore all of these schools of thought, try to choose two that have not already been addressed, if possible. The questions should be addressed individually and separated by Discussion 1 and Discussion 2. Sources are available on the course page and e-textbook link on the left side. This is a continuation of Week/Unit 1 order that was placed a few days ago. Unit 2 Discussion 2: Historical Context for Schools of Thought Choose one school of thought from the chapters you reviewed for this unit on physiology, experimental psychology, voluntarism, structuralism, functionalism, and Gestalt psychology (not Gestalt therapy). What was happening in the world at that time that contributed to the rise of the school of thought or aligned with its principles and values? How did the emerging school of thought fit with people’s way of viewing the world, and their culture, at that time in history? Did the new school of thought modify society in any way? Explain your ideas clearly, and use examples or illustrations to make your points. Include at least two relevant peer-reviewed articles that support your thoughts in your post.