Discuss how health care workers can best reconcile their obligation to protect patient privacy and maintain confidentiality in light of criminal activity by the patient.

Privacy and Confidentiality issues arise in a wide range of contexts and scenarios. Please view the Capital health ethics support privacy and confidentiality video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2SB6JtgPhM) and use the background readings for this module to discuss the following in a complete 2-3 pages paper.
1. What does healthcare ethics mean?
2. Discuss how health care workers can best reconcile their obligation to protect patient privacy and maintain confidentiality in light of criminal activity by the patient.
3. Define the debate over the ethical issue of patient privacy and confidentiality including the role of competing rights held by the patient and by the community.
4. Discuss applicable ethical theories and principles in patient privacy and confidentiality
In your paper
Must include proper introduction and conclusion
Must provide 3 credible sources cited in APA

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