Discuss how solutions to social problems are often contentious due to diverse values in society.

Discuss how solutions to social problems are often contentious due to diverse values in society.
Question If you could design an ideal society, to what degree would you allow government to regulate sexuality? Purpose From the Student Learning Outcomes you may recall we will: Discuss how solutions to social problems are often contentious due to diverse values in society. Describe how the proposed solutions to a social problem, including social policies, may bring rise to other social problems. The UNIT 1 Writing Assignment gave you the opportunity to watch and become aware of how groups of people are represented (or not) within mainstream media. As you continue to look and question these social problems I want you to think of possible solutions. If YOU could create an ideal solution, what would it be and why? Here’s the Rub You have to be able to convince people to follow your idea(s). It’s one thing to propose an idea, it’s another to explain and rationalize it in order to convince others to go along with the idea. For example: If you’re thinking about Teen Pregnancy and a solution is to: Ban teenagers from having children Teach abstinence only Because: No sex = no children = no teen pregnancy Then it sounds -on the surface- like a logical solution. But let’s think through the solution a moment: 1) Teenagers are hormone-driven and tend to be rebellious to rules by nature… How do you enforce a “ban”? 2) How do you punish violators? Do you fine or jail a knocked up teen and the father? 3) If the legal age of adulthood is 18, then are we legislating legal adults not to have sex? Do you account for those who get married at 18-19? I don’t need out of the box solutions, you can enhance what is already out there. What is most important for this assignment is that you are thinking through ideas and able to rationalize your solution as well as provide a feasible reason to “nay-sayers” as to why your idea should be considered. Be specific about which issues the government should regulate on behalf of society as a whole and which issues are better defined as a personal decision. Pick 3 or 4 (max) social problems related to sexuality. Consider the issues raised in chapter 7, but you may also borrow from other chapters as well if necessary. Formatting Pages: 2 pages (3 max) Spacing: double spaced Margins: 1-inch all around Format/Style: Informal style of writing but do use MLA-style header for consistency Bibliography?: No outside research or direct citations are expected or required in this assignment. You can cite your textbook as a simple (Macionis, pg#). If student brings in material from outside the textbook then you will need to include a bibliography.

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