Discuss how these concepts are interrelated in terms of how you understand and accomplish your work as a nurse.
It is not an essay, you just have to write a Personal Philosophy. Please follow direction because my professor is a hard grader Personal Nursing Philosophy The purpose of this assignment is to communicate through scholarly writing your personal philosophy of nursing and evaluate the evolution of your philosophy from the beginning of the baccalaureate nursing program to the present. Instructions: Write a 1-3-page scholarly paper examining your personal nursing philosophy which should clearly reflect your personal philosophy of nursing. The paper should include the identification and examination of your own perspective (definition) of nursing’s metaparadigm of nursing, person, health, and environment, as well as the identification of other concepts that you believe should be a part of our metaparadigm. Discuss how these concepts are interrelated in terms of how you understand and accomplish your work as a nurse. Give one or more examples from your clinical experience that captures the essence of your philosophy. What is important in your practice of nursing including your values, beliefs, and assumptions about nursing as science and art? 1. Consider how you view the art and science of the profession. 2. How do you view the practice of nursing? 3. How do you define human being, health, nursing, and environment? 4. What theories, beliefs, values, and assumptions shape your perspective of the nursing paradigm? 5. Do you relate to a specific nursing theory or theorist that you have explored during your baccalaureate education? 6. Are you influenced by the ANA Code of Ethics or your personal faith? 7. How would you articulate this philosophy to others? This paper should go beyond the usual global view of nursing. It should be written in your own words. Provide references and citations if the writings or statements of others have influenced your philosophy. This instructional activity should help you identify concepts you believe are important in nursing. The paper should be double spaced, American Psychological Association (APA) format and no more than 3 pages in length.