Discuss how you can apply the course learning outcomes of this course to your professional and personal life. Final (140 pts)

Health Services Organization Management.EOC DQ
Thinking back on what you have learned in this course identify the single most important economic principle learned and explain why it was more significant than any other principle or concept.MyEconLab Quiz (30 pts)HSA DQ
Course Conclusion and SummaryYou have just completed ten (10) weeks of Health Services Organization Management. Imagine that your employer has asked you to create a one-day training course highlighting the important elements you have learned about in the past ten (10) weeks.
Create a hierarchy of five (5) of the most important topics that you feel you need to address in this one-day course that best fits the course title of Health Services Organization Management: The Essentials Presented in One Day. Provide a detailed rationale for each of the five (5) topics.
Discuss how you can apply the course learning outcomes of this course to your professional and personal life.
Final (140 pts)

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