discuss in a paper best practices related to team building, and communicating goals, values, and procedures.

Management of Human Capital Module 5 Assignment Team Building (Please include 5-10 References) Using the literature and your experiences as a Math Professor at Miami Dade College, discuss in a paper best practices related to team building, and communicating goals, values, and procedures. This module reading included: Leadership and Teamwork: Two Sides of the Same Coin Victor S. Sohmen Sohmen, V. S. (2013). Leadership and teamwork: Two sides of the same coin. Journal of Information Technology & Economic Development, 4(2), 1-18. ________________________________________ What Leaders Can Learn About Teamwork and Developing High Performance Teams From Organization Development Practitioners D. D. Warrick Warrick, D. D. (2014). What leaders can learn about teamwork and developing high performance teams from organization development practitioners. OD Practitioner, 46(3), 68-75. ________________________________________ Teachers on the Offensive: A Strategy for Transforming the Educational Reform Debate Amy B. Dean Dean, A. B. (2013). Teachers on the offensive: A strategy for transforming the educational reform debate. New Labor Forum (Sage Publications Inc.), 22(3), 38-45. ________________________________________ Facilitating Team Learning Through Transformational Leadership Elisabeth Raes et al. Raes, E., Decuyper, S., Lismont, B., Van den Bossche, P., Kyndt, E., Demeyere, S., & Dochy, F. (2013). Facilitating team learning through transformational leadership. Instructional Science: An International Journal of the Learning Sciences, 41(2), 287-305. ________________________________________ College Presidents: Bruised, Battered, and Loving It Barry Glassner & Morton Schapiro Glassner, B., & Schapiro, M. (2013). College presidents: Bruised, battered, and loving it. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(23), A56. ________________________________________ Your Team-Building Exercises May Not Be Creating a Team Kevin E. OConnor O’Connor, K. E. (2013). Your team-building exercises may not be creating a team. Supervision, 74(7), 8-9. ________________________________________ Citizenship Behavior at the Team Level of Analysis: The Effects of Team Leadership, Team Commitment, Perceived Team Support, and Team Size Craig L. Pearce & Pamela A. Herbik Pearce, C. L., & Herbik, P. A. (2004). Citizenship behavior at the team level of analysis: the effects of team leadership, team commitment, perceived team support, and team size. The Journal of Social Psychology, 144(3), 293-310.

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