Discuss the data/information collected and process that information in terms of relevance to their nursing care using DRABC
Critically analyse the patient assessment findings, taking into consideration the persons situation and medical diagnosis. Discuss the data/information collected and process that information in terms of relevance to their nursing care using DRABC ( danger, response, airway, breathing, circulation) (10 marks)
Identify three (3) nursing diagnoses for this person;
One of which must address the clients psycho-social needs.
The nursing diagnoses must be discussed in order of priority (e.g.: what nursing diagnosis should be addressed first and why).
You must also establish one patient centred goal for each nursing diagnosis. (5 marks)
For each nursing diagnosis,
discuss the specific nursing interventions (what you would do and why) that would be appropriate.
Each intervention must include detailed rationale (why you did what you did) and specific evaluation criteria (how will you know if the intervention was successful).