Discuss the different classes of antibiotics, bactericidal bacteriostatic coverage, contraindications, side effects, adverse reactions, and local anti-biograms.

Paper on Antibiotics Discuss the different classes of antibiotics, bactericidal bacteriostatic coverage, contraindications, side effects, adverse reactions, and local anti-biograms. Resistance patterns should be obtained from a local lab microbiologist. This paper will be written in APA format; 4 pages + reference page with a minimum of 4 scholarly references; and submitted through SafeAssign to Blackboard. The paper will include the following: Research, analysis and description of the appropriateness criteria used to determine when to utilize different levels of antibiotics. What is our role as Nurse Practitioners. How does our role as Nurse Practitioners relate to Parses Human Becoming theory and a biblical worldview. Please see attached files. Client needs draft after 48 hours.

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