Discuss the diseases GERD and COPD. Identify what each eponym stands for the system that each affects how they are treated and the type of specialist that treats them.

. Discuss the diseases GERD and COPD. Identify what each eponym stands for the system that each affects how they are treated and the type of specialist that treats them.
2. Explain the structural and functional aspects of the alveolus and bronchus and how they work together in the respiratory system. Identify at least two diseases that can affect these structures.3. Provide an explanation of what an undescended testicle is. Discuss how it occurs the organs and structures that are affected and treatment options. Apply all related medical terms and their meanings.4. Explain how an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Discuss how it occurs the organs and structures that are affected and treatment options. Apply all related medical terms and their meanings.

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