Discuss the frameworks we learned about (Social Ecological Model Health Impact Pyramid and Framework for Social Determinants of Health you can discuss all three or select 1 or 2 and go more in depth

Youve reviewed some of the models and theories that public health practitioners use when designing strategies programs policies and interventions. Now its your turn to reflect on what youve learned. In 4 pages or less
1) Discuss the frameworks we learned about (Social Ecological Model Health Impact Pyramid and Framework for Social Determinants of Health you can discuss all three or select 1 or 2 and go more in depth). Questions to consider: What strengths and weaknesses do you see for the framework(s)? Do you think these accurately describe and depict how behaviors occur and how to influence and change behavior? What would you change?
2) Design your own framework to describe what influences health behavior and how to change it. Diagrams and models encouraged. Be creative!

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