Discuss TWO high priority nursing strategies to manage Mrs Brown and provide evidence-based rationales for these strategies.

Concept Map and Guided Question Response- Acute exacerbation of systolic heart failure


Case study Mrs Brown, a 78 year-old female, was admitted to the Emergency Department at 6am after waking up with severe breathlessness. Her family informed you that the patient has a history of heart failure that had been diagnosed two 5 years ago. On admission to the Emergency Department the signs & symptoms were: – Severe dyspnoea – Respiratory rate of 24 breaths/minute – SpO2 85%, on room air – BP 170/95mmHg – Pulse rate of 120 beats/minute – Auscultation of lungs identifies bilateral basal crackles Mrs Brown was connected to an ECG monitor that showed atrial fibrillation. A diagnosis of acute exacerbation of chronic systolic heart failure was made. Concept Map (250 words) Provided – The concept map must be computer generated. – Concept boxes should have titles with relevant content summarised within the box. – The summarised content may be in point format and size 10 font (Arial or Times New Roman) may be used on the concept map. – Concept boxes must be linked using lines and linking words/phrases to demonstrate logical relationships between concepts. – Most of the information for your concept map will be drawn from the answers to your guided questions. – Referencing of your concept map is not required. Guided Question 1 – Demonstrates comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the pathogenesis of an acute exacerbation of systolic heart failure, and relates the clinical manifestations to the pathogenesis. Analyses information from a discerning selectionof sources and provides an accurate and comprehensive explanation of the pathogenesis causing the clinical manifestation of the patient in the case study. The explanation is developed in a logical sequence and incorporates all manifestations presented in the case study. The discussion is clearly and accurately supported by appropriate sources. Question 2. (400words) Discuss TWO high priority nursing strategies to manage Mrs Brown and provide evidence-based rationales for these strategies. Guided Question 2 – Demonstrates ability to prioritise nursing care for a patient with an acute exacerbation of systolic heart failure, discussion explains the rationales and justifies nursing strategies. Discussion is well supported by appropriate sources /10 Identifies 2 high priority nursing strategies used to manage a patient with an acute exacerbation of systolic heart failure in the Emergency Department. The nursing strategies are well supported by discussion that clearly explains the rationales. The discussion is clearly and accurately supported by appropriate sources

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