Does your organization’s scorecard have all the necessary information. What suggestions for improvements does the group propose to the file of your organization?

Does your organization’s scorecard have all the necessary information. What suggestions for improvements does the group propose to the file of your organization? It may be a simpler or more complicated indicator. What matters is to have the attributes below and above all to be well defined in the form of measuring and its usefulness. Activity 15, therefore, consists of sending the text with an elaborated form of an indicator. You can, for example, describe an indicator related to your TCCs, for example. We recall the attributes of a good indicator: Validity: Ability to measure what is intended. Sensitivity: Ability to detect the phenomenon analyzed. Specificity: Ability to detect only the phenomenon analyzed. Reliability / Reliability: Ability to reproduce the same results when applied under similar conditions. Feasibility: Data is available or is easy to obtain. Relevance: Responds to health priorities. Cost-effectiveness: The results justify the investment of time and resources. Datasheet of indicators For each indicator, it is important that a technical file containing information about its characteristics and its construction is developed. There are several models of datasheets, available with different types of information. In the absence of any explicit and general set of rules applying to all the technical data sheets, however, there are minimum elements which must be taken into account when preparing them. the minimum components of a sheet indicator and their definitions. Indicator datasheet template : Title: Indicator name; represents a succinct, objective and readily understandable description of the purpose of the indicator. Origin: Organization ( s ) responsible for the development of the indicator. Level of information: Structure, process or result. Quality dimension: Window Classification according to (s) size (s) of the assigned quality (s) by (s) organization (s) who developed (ram), for example: safety, effectiveness, efficiency, among others. Description of numerator (if applicable): Includes the general specifications of any clinical component, which forms the basis for inclusions and exclusions in the numerator. Description of denominator (if applicable): Includes the general specifications of any clinical component, which forms the basis for inclusions and exclusions in the denominator. Calculation method: Formula used to calculate the indicator, precisely defining the elements that compose it. Definition of terms: Description of the concepts and terms used in the construction of the indicator, necessary for its better understanding. Rationality (rationale): Justification and scientific evidence that supports the implementation of the Indicator. 105 Patient Safety Indicators Risk adjustment: Method and / or variables used to control the possible variations in the indicator results, due to different patient profiles. Stratification: Categories or groups of classification of indicator data in order to increase their comparability. For example: type of health organization; care sector; age group and others. Interpretation : Brief explanation about the type of information obtained and its meaning. Limitations: Factors that restrict the interpretation of the indicator, referring to both the concept itself and the sources used. Source of data: Primary source from which data can be obtained and / or the system (s) of information that provides the data.

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