Elaborate on the current grant funding that the agency/organization that you have selected is currently receiving today.
Elaborate on the current grant funding that the agency/organization that you have selected is currently receiving today.What are some of the needs of this organization/agency? What areas of service provision could be enhanced through future funding associated with the grant that you are going to be helping the agency develop?Here is the information for my Organization:The Clara White MissionThe organization that I am going to use to assists me with my grant project is the Clara White Mission, commonly abbreviated as CWM. This agency operates non-profit, and Clara English White was its founder. It is located in Jacksonville, Florida. The main role of the organization is that it sponsors the less fortunate and offers social services. Its mission is to decrease homelessness via housing, advocacy, employment, and job training. However, the organization has created a diverse and extensive network of private and public funding sources (2019). Notably, this organization was officially founded in the year 1904. But in the 1880s, Clara English White started feeding starving people in the street of Clay. The organization has run through the family line since its beginning.During the great depression, its operations became so immense that the organization had to be located to another resident. The residents of this mission have been used for many purposes over the years, but all of them have been geared towards promoting social welfare. For instance, prisoners found accommodation at its residents after being released from prison. They were given food and clothing and prepared to be assimilated into the real world. The mission has also provided hands-on teaching skills like canning, cooking, and entrepreneurship skills, which included typing (“Clara White Mission,” 2019). Nowadays, the mission supports the homeless daily. There are feeding programs for the homeless every day of the week, housing for two years until the homeless establish themselves to find a job and abandon the streets and they also assist the youth in avoiding destructive behaviors that would be a source of real damage to their lives.ReferencesDown Town Vision Inc. | Clara White Mission. (2019). Retrieved from http://www.downtownjacksonville.org/locations/l-395-clara-white-mission.aspxClara White Mission. (2019). Retrieved from http://theclarawhitemission.org/